2025 CEP Audit Group: GROUP B
Eligible Period: May 1st, 2022 – April 30th, 2025 Due: April 30th, 2025
The College of Pedorthics of Canada (CPC) registrants are required to maintain continuing education points (CEPs) per a 3-year cycle. This policy is to assure the standards of the Canadian pedorthic profession, to promote continued competency and encourage excellence in the delivery of care to members of the public.
CEP Standards
- CEP activities must relate to pedorthic practice
- CEP activities should enhance a registrants’ professional knowledge base so they can provide the best pedorthic care possible to the Canadian public
CEP Requirements by Designation
- C. Ped (C), C. Ped MC, COFS: 30 credits per 3-year cycle (minimum of 15 points must be structured CEPs)
- C. Ped Tech (C): 15 points per 3-year cycle (no minimum structured points required)
Types of Continuing Education Points
There are two different types of points registrants can earn; structured or unstructured points. Points are earned on a 1:1 ratio. 1 point, for 1 hour of activity (this does not include lunch or breaks). The points need to meet the above CEP Standards. It is a registrant’s responsibility to maintain and log their CEPs in their online registrant portal.
Structured Points:
These in-person or online activities are interactive learning programs that generally have structured agendas, learning objectives and interaction with other members of the profession or other professions. For structured points, registrants must submit a document gathered from the structured activity (ie. certificate, receipt, course agenda/objectives) in PDF format, to their online registrant portal.
- Taking pedorthic courses (ie events PAC offers)
- Attending relevant* seminars, workshops, presentations, courses or conferences
- CPC exam proctoring
- Participating in continuing education courses (ie Masters/PhD Thesis)
- Teaching/presenting pedorthic topics
Unstructured Points:
These in-person or online activities are self-directed, independent learning activities. For unstructured points, registrants must submit a 1-page learning reflection per unstructured point activity, in PDF format to their online registrant portal.
- CPC or PAC committee work
- Supervisor for Pedorthic Candidates
- Reading/viewing/listening to professional pedorthic content
- Reading/reviewing CPC regulations and standards such as; Standards of Professional Practice, Code of Ethics, Standards of Clinical Practice