2025 CEP Audit Group: GROUP B
Eligible Period: May 1st, 2022 – April 30th, 2025 Due: April 30th, 2025

The College of Pedorthics of Canada (CPC) registrants are required to maintain continuing education points (CEPs) per a 3-year cycle. This policy is to assure the standards of the Canadian pedorthic profession, to promote continued competency and encourage excellence in the delivery of care to members of the public.

CEP Standards

  • CEP activities must relate to pedorthic practice
  • CEP activities should enhance a registrants’ professional knowledge base so they can provide the best pedorthic care possible to the Canadian public

CEP Requirements by Designation

  • C. Ped (C), C. Ped MC, COFS: 30 credits per 3-year cycle (minimum of 15 points must be structured CEPs)
  • C. Ped Tech (C): 15 points per 3-year cycle (no minimum structured points required)

Types of Continuing Education Points

There are two different types of points registrants can earn; structured or unstructured points. Points are earned on a 1:1 ratio. 1 point, for 1 hour of activity (this does not include lunch or breaks). The points need to meet the above CEP Standards. It is a registrant’s responsibility to maintain and log their CEPs in their online registrant portal.

Structured Points:

These in-person or online activities are interactive learning programs that generally have structured agendas, learning objectives and interaction with other members of the profession or other professions. For structured points, registrants must submit a document gathered from the structured activity (ie. certificate, receipt, course agenda/objectives) in PDF format, to their online registrant portal.

  • Taking pedorthic courses (ie events PAC offers)
  • Attending relevant* seminars, workshops, presentations, courses or conferences
  • CPC exam proctoring
  • Participating in continuing education courses (ie Masters/PhD Thesis)
  • Teaching/presenting pedorthic topics
*Relevant: Is in alignment with the two above stated CEP standards and that you are able to defend this if required; relates to pedorthic practice AND enhance a registrants’ professional knowledge base so they can provide the best pedorthic care possible to the Canadian public.

Unstructured Points:

These in-person or online activities are self-directed, independent learning activities. For unstructured points, registrants must submit a 1-page learning reflection per unstructured point activity, in PDF format to their online registrant portal.

  • CPC or PAC committee work
  • Supervisor for Pedorthic Candidates
  • Reading/viewing/listening to professional pedorthic content
  • Reading/reviewing CPC regulations and standards such as; Standards of Professional Practice, Code of Ethics, Standards of Clinical Practice

All CEP’s are awarded on a 1:1 ratio, 1 point per 1 hour* of activity *time does not include lunch or breaks

NOTE: There is a maximum of 15 points awarded for 1 activity per year


Your CEP group (A, B or C) is based on your year of certification. You can find your CEP group by logging into your Registrant portal online.

Alternatively, if you know your year of certification, you can also find your cycle group by referencing the CEP Chart.


See below for upcoming cycle due dates. All CEPs need to be entered by the due date. Only points earned within the cycle period will count towards the required minimums needed. 

Group Cycle        Period Due                                     Date

Group A                  May 1st 2024-April 30th 2027         April 30th 2027

Group B                  May 1st 2022-April 30th 2025        April 30th 2025

Group C                 May 1st 2023-April 30th 2026         April 30th 2026

Login to your online Registrant portal HERE

Tutorial Video: How to log your CEP’s online

The Continuing education committee researched various continuing education requirements of other colleges in Canada. Feedback from the committee and the College Board indicated that 30 points over a 3-year period was a reasonable amount to be in line with our CEP standards for promoting protection of the public and continued competency.

This maximum is to ensure diversity between activities is achieved.

You get 1 unstructured point per 1 hour of volunteer time to a maximum of 15 points per year.

You would receive 15 unstructured points this year for volunteering, as long as you fill out the Learning Reflection document and upload it as a PDF to your online registrant portal. Even though these points are 1 point: 1 hour, you have reached the maximum 15 points allowable for 1 given activity.

Yes, for structured points, a registrant must upload (in PDF format) a certificate, agenda or receipt of payment for the given session/seminar/conference attended. For unstructured points, registrants must upload (in PDF format), a Learning Reflection. Download the Learning Reflection form HERE.

No, the CEP committee has chosen not to accredit programs/courses at this time. Registrants should select activities based on the CEP Standards and the need for personal & professional development.

The CEP committee feels that they have captured an assortment of activities, but if you’re unsure, contact the CPC with your activity and the CEP committee will review and then provide you feedback.

Each year on May 1st, a given cycle group (A, B, or C) is audited. A report is generated to indicate which registrants have and have not met their credit minimums.The CEP office will review this data along with the required uploaded documentation.

Each year, all registrants of one cycle group (A, B, or C) will be audited to ensure they have met the CEP requirements. 

Before the end of the cycle, reminders will be emailed to registrants to input their points into the online system. At the end of the 3-year cycle, if points have not been entered online, the registrant will be placed on probation for 6 months and charged a $150 administration fee. 

Once the fee has been paid and CEPs obtained, the probation will end. If after 6 months, the CEPs have yet to be received, the CPC will revoke the registrant’s certification and PAC will be informed that the membership is no longer in good standing with the CPC.